Luis Fernando Munoz Roldan
Media Communication Professional, Universidad del Valle, Cali – Colombia
Knowledge Management Master, Business School EOI, Madrid – Spain.
CEO Creatis Tech S.A., digital and new media marketing, communication agency. From 2003 professor at Icesi University (Marketing and International Business Department), subjects: Internet Marketing Strategies and Social Media Marketing. Also he is teaching Digital Photography at Education Center of Javeriana University. In May 2006 he received honorable mention as outstanding professor by the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process. On the same university, April 2007, he held a photo exhibition called: Reflexus. Since 2008 is coordinator of ITC Subcommission of Valle del Cauca Education Commission. He is editor of portal
I will appreciate your help to create and develop a community around digital photography. I have many pictures to exhibit physical and virtually. To contact me click here.